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Snowflake Chocolate Strawberries

Snow Flakes Strawberry

Watching snowflakes falling is a highly mesmerizing moment for me, and on a cold winter day, a bar of chocolate is always desirable. So, I thought of making a romantic moment come alive, with strawberries, chocolate and coconut snowflakes! The crunchy cold coconut on chocolate was a delightful taste to linger and savor on.

Recipe :  20 Strawberries

  • 1  (3.5) oz  bar of milk chocolate bar
  • 1/3rd  bar of  (3.5) oz of  dark/semi sweet chocolate
  • 2 tbsp shredded dry coconut
  • 1 pound washed strawberries
  • Toothpicks
  • Styrofoam /Thermocol  Thick sheet (12″ * 18″ in dimension at least 1/3rd ” thick)
  • Take a microwave safe bowl- preferably a glass one.
  • Break the milk chocolate bar into small pieces into the microwave bowl.
  • Heat the milk chocolate at  high power setting
  • Stir at every 30 seconds until completely melted.
  • Remove from microwave.
  • Break the 1/3rd dark/semisweet bar into half.
  • Add them to the already melted chocolate and keep stirring .
  • Stir till no lumps are left and its a smooth flowing mixture.
  • Pour the mixture into a deep small bowl, so as to easily dip the strawberry.
Dipping the Strawberries
  • Take a toothpick, and insert into the  strawberry from the top till 2/3 of the way.
  • Hold the strawberry from the toothpick and dip it 2/3 of the way into the mixture.
  • Swirl the strawberry 3-4 times to get a thick coating of chocolate
  • Turn it upside down , and keep swirling till the tail of the strawberry is invisible.
  • You can tilt the strawberry a  little bit, to make the tail invisible.
  • Then insert the upside down strawberry into the styrofoam sheet , till it remains steady and straight.
  • Repeat for all remaining strawberries.
  • Sprinkle the desiccated dry coconut onto the strawberries to give the snowflake effect.
  • Refrigerate the Styrofoam Sheet containing strawberries for couple of hours.
  • Remove the toothpicks before serving the chilled strawberries


If the chocolate mixture cools and starts thickening, you can microwave it for 10 sec, stir and re- use. Make sure your strawberries are firm, so as to hold the toothpick.  Better to sprinkle more coconut then less, as it will fall off. You can also keep the leaves on  the strawberries,  to give the Godiva Strawberries Look!

Instinct Factor

Swirling technique comes with practice, but if you have ever roasted marshmallows on fire, you are well trained to dip the chocolates!

Feel Factor

Classy  romantic dessert readily available in your kitchen!


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