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Eggless Mint Ice cream with fresh mint leaves


Cool the summer heat with this fabulous Eggless Mint Ice Cream with fresh mint leaves,  a combination not  much heard of.  The chance of tasting the actual mint leaves and mint essence, is itself, worth trying this recipe out. The end result leaves you with a fresh breath of air in your taste buds and gorgeous true mint color in an ice cream that is creamy, soft and colorful with the crushed mint leaves that deepens its green color with time.

Summer to me is most enjoyed by creating, exploring and enjoying new flavours in Ice cream! And this Eggless Mint Ice cream with fresh mint leaves is one that will be remembered for very long time by anyone who tries it and you will have friends and family asking for refills and more. A flavour that one can truly “MINT” on!!

Recipe Makes Approx 1 quart of ice cream

Prep Time : 30 min plus overnight steeping of mixture

Cooking Time 30 min

Chilling Time 7 hours

  • 2 cups whole milk
  • 2 1/2 cups heavy cream
  • 1 cup plus 2 tbsp sugar
  • 1 1/2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2  1/4 cup packed fresh mint leaves


  • pinch of salt
  • Boil milk, sugar, vanilla extract, mint leaves,heavy cream and pinch of salt in a saucepan over a  medium flame.
  • IMG_3497


  • When the mixture boils, remove from flame and let it cool.


  • Once the mixture cool down and blend the leaves with an immersion blender.


  • Let the mixture steep in overnight in the refrigerator.
  • Next day, pour the mixture in the ice cream maker and churn for about 20-25 minutes, till the entire mixture form into a fluffy ice cream.



  • Remove the ice cream from the ice cream maker into an ice cream container and set to freeze for about 6-7 hours at the least.


  • The ice cream will have a soft, creamy texture when properly set.
  • Serve over a cone or in a cup.




If you prefer creaminess in your ice cream, heavy cream from Organic Valley will give you that texture. Make sure the mint leaves are fresh, as they will impact the color and flavour in the ice cream

Instinct Factor

Taste the sugar level just before the ice cream is almost done, and add some more, if needed.

Feel Factor

The excitement of creating a mint essence feel and the flavour of crushed fresh mint leaves in the ice cream is enough to raise the bar few notches higher. This is one flavour that many friends and family are wanting third/fourth helpings for. It really has a feeling of a breath of fresh air, coupled with the cooling taste of mint and the lovely true mint color from mint leaves and you can actually taste the leaves while having the ice cream. In one word the feel factor of this eggless mint ice cream with fresh mint leaves is SIMPLY AWESOME!!


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